Grace Church Worcester Park

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Good News from Matthew 8-9

Here are some excellent questions that Lizzie Laferton has shared that we can use to go through with others or on our own to help us reflect on who Jesus is and our task of making Him known.

Textual Questions – Read the passage and answer the following questions

1. What does Jesus do in these verses?

2. How do people respond to Jesus and/or to what he does in this section? Why do you think they respond that way? What does Jesus say to them in reply?

3. As people come into contact with the King and his kingdom power, what effect/impact does it have? What happens to them?

4. Do these verse contain any Old Testament references or allusions? How does Jesus fulfil that promise/prophecy or pattern or storyline from the Old Testament in these verses?

5. What strikes you about Jesus in this passage? Does anything surprise you?

6. What ‘good news’ is there about Jesus (who he is, what he’s like, what he does) in these verses?

7. How would you sum up the content, meaning and importance of this passage in your own words?

‘Making Jesus Known’ Focus – Discuss the following in light of the passage

8. What has amazed or delighted you about Jesus from these verses? What has made you love him even more?! What will you meditate on and fill your heart with this week?

9. How do those truths about Jesus influence…

a. …how you feel about telling others about him? 

b. …what you might say to others about him?

10. Is there anything in this passage that relates to/addresses something you know a friend or neighbour is asking or experiencing or struggling with? Can you think of a context in which this story about Jesus would be a relevant way to talk about him? 


What do you want to praise Jesus for?

What do you want to thank him for?

Is there anything you would like to confess and ask forgiveness for?

What would you like to ask him to do?