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Ten Words To Live By - by Jen Wilkin

Next up in our summer book reviews series, Jackie Chirchir-Krhoda, reviews ‘Ten Words to Live By’ for us.

Having recently moved to a new area and started a new job, I found myself turning to Jen Wilkin's "Ten Words to Live By" for guidance. This book, which offers a fresh perspective on the Ten Commandments, became an unexpected source of comfort as I navigated the challenges of adjusting to a different environment.

Wilkin's emphasis on rules enabling relationships particularly resonated with my situation as I tried to establish myself in a new community. Her insights guided me in forming healthy boundaries and connections, both in my new workplace and personal life. For instance, when I felt tempted to compromise my values to fit in with new colleagues, her exploration of the commandment to honour others reminded me to stay true to myself while still showing respect.

The commandments about not coveting took on new meaning as I caught myself comparing my new life to the one I had left behind. Wilkin's exploration of this principle helped me maintain a healthier perspective and find contentment in my circumstances. One day, scrolling through social media and feeling envious of my old friends' familiar routines, I recalled Wilkin's words and was able to refocus on the opportunities in my new situation.

I was especially drawn to Wilkin's discussion of the Sabbath commandment. As I juggled the demands of settling into a new job and home, her words inspired me to establish much-needed rhythms of rest and reflection. This proved crucial in managing the stress of transition, and I found myself looking forward to my "Sabbath" times as anchors in my week.

In my new workplace, I often referred back to Wilkin's examination of commandments like "do not bear false witness" and "do not steal." These provided me with ethical guidance as I navigated professional interactions and decision-making in an unfamiliar corporate culture. They helped me build a reputation for integrity, even when faced with challenging situations.

Ultimately, Wilkin's approach to the Ten Commandments as tools for transformation offered me a spiritual anchor during this period of change. Her invitation to see these ancient words as a source of delight gave me daily practice for finding peace and purpose in my new environment. Through this book, I learned to see my challenges not as obstacles, but as opportunities for growth and deeper faith.

For anyone facing major life transitions or seeking to deepen their understanding of these foundational ethical principles, I highly recommend "Ten Words to Live By." Wilkin's fresh, relatable approach breathes new life into these ancient teachings, making them profoundly relevant for modern life.

This book is available on our online bookstall - you can find the link below: