Summer Reading and Reflection

We asked some different members of the church to send us a review of a book that has been helpful to them in their life with Jesus.

Each week we’ll add a new review - hopefully they’ll inspire you if you’re wondering about what you could read this summer and beyond.

You can also find the archive of summer reflections that members of the church have written over the last couple of summers too…

Incomparable - by Andrew Wilson
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Incomparable - by Andrew Wilson

How do we make sense of a God who no one has seen, but who has perfectly revealed Himself to us through Jesus? Katherine Gill writes that she thinks this is the key question of the book ‘Incomparable’ by Andrew Wilson. The truths contained in it, in one sense, are nothing that we have not heard before. However, Andrew Wilson gives us a fresh new perspective on different elements of God’s character and helps us to appreciate the things about Him that we often take for granted. Read on for more...

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Gentle and Lowly - by Dane Ortland
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Gentle and Lowly - by Dane Ortland

Alan writes: “Gentle and Lowly was originally brought to my attention by my wife Gilly. I read it a couple of years ago but re-read it recently on the recommendation of a Pastor friend of mine. It impacted me on first read but more so recently. How could I find a book about Jesus’ heart – gentle and lowly - quite so breathtaking and challenging and yet thoroughly relieving? Breathtaking in its insightfulness of our own ways and thinking and completely disarming as it illuminates the immensity of Jesus’ tender love for us.” Read on for more…

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Ten Words To Live By - by Jen Wilkin
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Ten Words To Live By - by Jen Wilkin

“Ultimately, Wilkin's approach to the Ten Commandments as tools for transformation offered me a spiritual anchor during this period of change. Her invitation to see these ancient words as a source of delight gave me daily practice for finding peace and purpose in my new environment. Through this book, I learned to see my challenges not as obstacles, but as opportunities for growth and deeper faith.” Read on to get Jackie’s full take on this excellent book by Jen Wilkin.

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The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivener
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The Air We Breathe by Glen Scrivener

We live in a post-Christian world, don’t we? That is what the media often tells us. The Christian faith belongs to the past and anyone still holding to it is backward and old-fashioned. However, Glen Scrivener shows how values we hold dear like consent, compassion, equality, science, freedom, progress and enlightenment, all flow naturally from the person and work of Jesus Christ. Read on for Claire Reynolds’ review of this excellent book.

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Love Actually - Ed Drew
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Love Actually - Ed Drew

This week, Ed Drew helps us reflect on what true sacrificial love looks like from 1 John 4 and the life of Lord Shaftesbury…

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Sleep well - Claire Reynolds
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Sleep well - Claire Reynolds

We all go though times when we can’t sleep with worries swirling around our heads. Claire Reynolds helps us see the goodness of the Lord’s precious promise to watch over us day and night from Psalm 121.

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Only One Thing - Mercy Ofuya
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Only One Thing - Mercy Ofuya

Amid our busy lives and the humdrum of everyday, we must make time for the most important thing, the only thing we really need. Mercy Ofuya reflects on Jesus’ words to Martha in Luke 10

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Honouring the name of our Lord - Sam Ball
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Honouring the name of our Lord - Sam Ball

What is the 3rd commandment really all about? How might we be in danger on misusing the name of our Lord? Is our ‘yes’ really yes and our ‘no’ really no? Sam Ball reflects on what it means for us to be people of our word who honour the name of our Lord.

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A Favourite Song - Jo Turner
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A Favourite Song - Jo Turner

We are blessed to have a very rich heritage of brilliant hymns and Christian songs in the English language. Jo Turner helps us see how the words of ‘Great is Thy Faithfulness’ have helped her express her heart to God and lift her eyes toward Him.

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Assurance - Julie Herring
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Assurance - Julie Herring

“I’ve always struggled with assurance - Is my faith strong enough? Do I love God enough? Does my life reflect what I believe enough?”

Does that resonate with you? Find out how God has used the story of the first passover to help Julie Herring in her quest for a more secure faith.

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Jesus Christ: The Resurrection and the Life - Eric Taylor
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Jesus Christ: The Resurrection and the Life - Eric Taylor

Eric Taylor reflects on Jesus raising Lazarus from the dead. It isn’t simply a historical event that happened in that cold tomb on the Mount of Olives two millennia ago – it is an encounter that we can all have with the Living Christ. And it’s free.

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