
The death of someone significant can feel overwhelming. Our reactions to grief can vary enormously and may involve many different feelings or none, and it can shake our foundations to the core. 

The process of adjusting to loss, which we call mourning or grieving, is also very individual, has no set timescale, and often involves working through several stages and tasks before any acceptance; recovery or meaningful re-engagement in life can be achieved.


The Bereavement Journey

At Grace Church we offer free bereavement counselling & support. We also run a short, structured course called The Bereavement Journey - a six week, nationally recognised course.

If you think that this course is something you would be interested in, or you feel that meeting up to talk one to one or in a small group would be helpful, please contact Tim Guest:

Topics include:

  • Attachment, separation and loss

  • The impact and pain of bereavement

  • Adjusting to change

  • Anger and guilt

  • Coping with others’ reactions

  • Moving on healthily

  • And an optional 6th session on Faith questions

 Upcoming dates for next course:

More resources:

Cruse Bereavement support can direct you to local support across the UK:

AtaLoss helps bereaved people find support and wellbeing.