Mission Partners

Find out about our Mission Partners and their ministries to unreached peoples we are supporting in this country and across the world.

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Rick and Esther Raja - All Nations Church Barkingside & Clayhall

Rick and Esther moved from Worcester Park in January 2020 to form a core team from four partner churches in East London to plant a church in Barkingside and Clayhall. Earlier in 2021 a ‘soft launch’ began with a Sunday gathering and some mid-week ministries to engage the community. 

At the end of September 2021, All Nations Church Barkingside & Clayhall was formally launched at an induction & commissioning service in the excellent central venue of Fullwell Cross Library.  Rick was commissioned as pastor and praise given to the Lord for bringing all the strands together.  

Having been part of a Training in Ministry Outreach (TIMO) team in Tanzania for two years, Margot has now married Fernando and they plan to move to France in April 2024 to learn French before moving to Chad to work with Africa Inland Mission. In Chad, they will be part of a team who provide English language classes and support the local church.

Margot and Fernando DeSouza - AIM Chad

Caleb Fetterhoff and Tobias Rueff - Missionaries to herdsmen in the Kingdom of Lesotho, southern Africa.

Caleb and Tobias are both original members of a small team that included Sam and Leanna in 2014-16 who sought to begin direct outreach to the remote herdsmen of Lesotho. Caleb and Tobias are still there and work in different locations, learning their language and culture, working and praying for their conversations and discipleship. They have a small number of bible study groups meeting thanks to the use of oral Bible storytelling, a team of 3 nationals who now help with the gospel work and ae developing more oral bible translations.

The team's vision is of Christian Basotho shepherds worshiping their God in ongoing fellowship with each other and in ongoing evangelism of still more shepherds.

Ben Williamson - Pioneer Church Planter, Bury, England

Ben is seeking to plant Grace Community Church, a bible teaching church in a gospel deprived area of Bury, north of Manchester. The plant is part of the Anglican Mission in England (AMiE), a convocation of the global Anglican Church. They meet in small numbers in a community centre and would value your prayers for the salvation of many in the area.

Syldio Determiné Dusabumuremyi (Determiné) - Word Increase Ministry - Rwanda

Determine leads WIM which is a practical course helping those involved in Christian ministry to correctly and faithfully handle God’s Word. There is a strong emphasis on working through Bible books, on living life together as family and applying biblical truth into each other’s lives. In 2017, a number of WIM graduates planted Gospel Community Church in Kigali. Grace Church hosted Determine while he attended the Cornhill training course in London in 2013.

Janet Webb - Bible Teaching Partnership in a South African Township

'Janet served with us in Grace Church's children's ministry from 2010-2014, while she completed the Co-mission apprenticeship and the Cornhill Ministry Training Course. We then partnered with Janet during the following seven years when she was head teacher at a small Christian school serving a Cape Town township. In 2023 Grace Church sent Janet as a Crosslinks missionary to work with Trinity Church in Mitchell’s Plain. Her role is to develop and implement a faithful Bible teaching curriculum across Trinity Children's Centre's nine age groups.

Should you want to communicate with Janet directly, click on the button below to visit her page on the Crosslinks website.

Eleanor – OMF – Create Mobile

Eleanor has served the Christian community in Indonesia with OMF for more than a decade. At the start of 2023, Eleanor began a two-year partnership with Create Mobile, a team dedicated to producing culturally sensitive films which communicate the Good News of Christ to unreached people groups. Eleanor is currently based in Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Dawn and Jonathan Clark - Working with IFES in Athens, and Translating Christian books into Greek

We’ve been living in Athens since January 2007 and are involved in gospel ministry among students. We work with ethos_ΣΧΕΦ – the Greek student movement – a member of the International Fellowship of Evangelical Students (www.ifesworld.org). The church in Greece is small and marginalised, and there is a great need for young people gripped by the gospel of Christ and grounded in Scripture.

We are active members of a local Greek evangelical church and are involved in various kids and youth ministries. We have also developped a translating ministry called ‘Priscilla’. Our mission is to get quality Christian children’s literature into homes across the Greek-speaking world. Priscilla has established its own publishing house, “Σπόρος” (Sporos). Sporos means seed and our prayer is that God will use these books, which seek to communicate the good news about Jesus, as seeds of truth in the lives of the readers, bearing fruit for generations.