Be connected

At Grace Church we are committed to following Jesus together.

The Christian life is not meant to be walked alone

God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. If they were all one part, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, but one body... Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.
— 1 Corinthians 12:18-19, 27 (NIV, 2011)

As we emerge from months of lockdowns and social distancing it is harder than usual, but more important than ever, to be connected. Here are just a few reasons why:

  • Your involvement in our church is highly valued by Christ, and by us!

  • We have a responsibility to serve and encourage one another.

  • The church thrives when everyone is connected.

  • People suffer when they are not connected to the rest of the body

  • Sundays

    Sunday Services are our weekly opportunity to be gathering and learning as a church family together from God’s word. Make it a priority to gather with others

  • Joining In

    If you're newish, or feel you'd like to know more about how to get involved at GCWP, sign up for our Joining In Sessions.

  • Home groups

    One of the best ways to ‘be connected' is to join a home group. This is the primary way that we look out for each other at Grace Church as well as where we study and apply God’s word together. If you’re not part of one, contact us now and we love to connect you!

  • friends outside


    We would like every person/family to be connected in friendship to another in the church. That way, you can be connected to someone in the way that works best for you - meet ups in coffee shops, dog walks, kids’ play dates, Zoom calls, exercise sessions - whatever it takes! Friendships require effort but it is always worth it, so please reach out to others so that everyone in the church can be connected to someone.

Upcoming social events

Here are some details of simple social events that friends from our church community are organising…

Do you have a particular hobby or interest?  

Would you be willing to be willing to co-ordinate a one off or regular event that you can invite people to? If you have an idea, please email us with the activity & date and we can advertise it in the church calendar. 

Help me be connected

We would love to help you to be connected. Just click on the button below to contact us…