Find out how you can support us financially.

For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, so that you through his poverty might become rich.
— 2 Corinthians 8:9

As Grace Church grows we will need our whole church family to partner with us financially to enable the church to cover the costs of our growing ministries in Worcester Park and beyond. We hope you will agree that giving financial support for our local church is an important and enjoyable way to express our gratitude to God. Many at our church can testify to the joy that comes from giving generously and seeing the fruit in people’s lives. We would like the whole church to:

  1. Pray – ask God for a generous heart and wisdom on how best to support His church with the money He has entrusted to you.

  2. Think – carefully review your own finances and consider how to put into practice the Biblical principles outlined above.

  3. Act – decide on an amount to give and make your gift. We encourage everybody to get involved at whatever level they can because generous and sacrificial giving is part of our worship of the Lord Jesus.

You can start your giving in any of the following ways:

  1. Regular Standing Order. This is the easiest and most helpful way to support Grace Church. Once you have decided how much to donate to the church, you can set up a standing order with your bank using your online, mobile or telephone banking and by quoting this bank account information:

    Beneficiary name: The Co-Mission Churches Trust*
    Sort code: 40-52-40
    Account number: 00095547

    (CAF Bank Limited)

    *When making a donation via online banking or cheque, please use 'The Co-Mission Churches Trust' (our charity name) as the beneficiary (recipient) name. Rest assured, the whole of your donation and any associated Gift Aid will still go directly to Grace Church's separate bank account, but the new Confirmation of Payee banking requirements mean that if you enter Grace Church as the beneficiary name, you may encounter error messages.

  2. Direct bank payment. You can use your online, mobile or telephone banking to make a payment to Grace Church – please use account details above.

  3. Cheque or charity voucher (e.g. Stewardship or CAF voucher) payable to “Grace Church WP”. Please send it to: The Co-Mission Treasurer, 577 Kingston Road, London, SW20 8SA.

Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.
— 2 Corinthians 9:7

Gift Aid Declaration

Click on the link below to fill out a Gift Aid declaration or update your details…

If you have any questions about how we manage our finances at Grace Church, or how you can join in with giving, please talk to Sam, Tim or any of the elders.

If you have practical questions about giving, please contact Stephen Hatherall at CoMission who overseas the logistics of our finances for us: