An encouragement to keep meeting up with one another - Nikky Dugdale

“Let us not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:25

As a waveringly new believer, God gave me this word of scripture at a time when I didn’t even know that a book called Hebrews existed. I was visiting a church and sat next to an American businessman. We were invited to talk to the person next to us (not what I was used to at all!) so I asked him what he thought the verse meant. “Easy”, he said, “Stop going to different churches - find one and stick.”

The following week I went to Dundonald and stuck for 13 years until we moved to Grace Church.

Every year since I first believed and trusted Jesus, I have approached the summer with the same complacency, that even though home groups, prayer triplet and meeting with church friends stops for a few weeks, I will be able to maintain my faith.

But there is a very good reason that this (and every other) verse is in the Bible – God knows what we are like! He knows it is too hard to keep going on our own. He designed us to be parts of one body, all contributing and driving each other on to grow in our love for Jesus together as one family.

So, I’d like to encourage you this summer to keep meeting up, keep praying together even without the structure of home groups, triplets and church. We are blessed with so many resources and yet as we’ve found out from the last few years, nothing is the same as meeting up. If you don’t know anyone well enough, then please let Sam or Tim (pastors) or Hannah or Mary (women’s ministry leaders) know and they will be able to put you in contact with someone.

And let’s encourage each other this summer to continue in faith and to love and serve each other and God in His strength.


Unconditional love - Sarah Wong


Only One Thing - Mercy Ofuya