Grace Church Worcester Park

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Unconditional love - Sarah Wong

In a recent conversation with my mother, she shared a piece of sad news about her friends. Her friend is a mother of two children and happily married. However, a couple of months ago, she developed a tumour and underwent a major operation and, unfortunately, lost her mobility. Since then, she has been unable to consume solid foods, and her husband has to take care of her daily needs.

This situation reminded me of my wedding day, where the priest led us in exchanging vows. I recall Vincent saying, "I will take Sarah to be my wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death do us part." At that moment, I couldn't help but wonder if I truly understood the depth of this commitment, as I said the same vows to Vincent. Did I comprehend the challenges I would face in my marriage? I found my understanding was very limited, as there was so much I had yet to experience firsthand. What if there was an illness that would last for 20 years? Would I still be able to take care of my husband’s daily needs with love?

Reflecting on our 14 years of marriage, I am profoundly grateful that God has helped strengthen my faith amidst our ups and downs. His grace has always been present, even in our inadequacy or when it seemed our needs were unmet. Whenever I couldn't see a solution, God provided unexpected joy and resolution. Our Heavenly Father knows what is best for Vincent and me, and I must humbly listen and accept everything He has prepared for us.

It is God’s unconditional love for me that shows me how I should love the people in my life.

  • Husband/Wife: Love is calmly resolving and discussing even in a situation with an intense disagreement

  • Children: remain steadfast in love even when your children are rebellious or misbehaving.

  • Friends: love seeks to understand their needs and problems, even when their requests or opinions seem unreasonable.

  • Neighbours: love helps us understand them from their point of view with care.

I face many difficulties in loving someone that I might not "like" so I must learn to love as God loves us—unconditionally.

Romans 13:8 emphasizes, "Let no debt remain outstanding, except the continuing debt to love one another, for whoever loves others has fulfilled the law."

Pray that the Lord will give us the strength and faith to seek his word and be a humble servant loving others in our daily lives.